HSSC Recruitment Notification 2015.Apply Online Mandi
Supervisor in Haryana Staff Selection Commission application invited by Mandi
Supervisor from eligible and interested
candidates on apply online before 13 July 2015. State of Haryana, it is
notified for the information of the candidates that the Haryana Staff Selection
Commission will hold a fresh written test and interview of appellants and those
unsuccessful candidates who had applied for the post of Mandi Supervisor, Cat.
No. 27, against Advt. No. 14/2007, dated 09.11.2007. The number of vacancies
for the post of Mandi Supervisor against category No. 27, Advt. No. 14/2007,
dated 09.11.2007, Vacancy details given below.
Total Vacancies: 10 post
- UR – 06 post
- SC – 02 post
- BCA –01 post
- BCB –01 post
Name of Vacancy: Mandi Supervisor
Selection Procedure: The selection procedure will be held on
the basis of Written Test & Interview.
Strating date Apply online – 22 June 2015.
Last date: 13 July 2015.