Wednesday, May 13, 2015

SSC Recruitment 2015-2016.Apply Online 79 post in Staff Selection Commission

SSC Recruitment Notification 2015-2016.Apply Online 79 post in  Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2015-216.SSC  application invited by  Clerk,Editor,Draftsman& Head Constable  from eligible and interested candidates apply online before 05 June 2015. 

Applications are invited from Citizens of India under Para-4 of this Notice, for the following Group ‘B’ and Group ‘C’ Selection Post. Candidates should ensure themselves beforehand that their Agelimit/EQ(s)/Experience/Caste/Sub-caste/category are exactly coincide with the requirements as stated in the Notice itself; otherwise their candidatures are liable to be cancelled at any stage of recruitment without giving any notice to them.   Vacancy,age,pay scale,education qualification and other  details given below.

Name of Vacancy: various post in

No of Vacancies: 79 post

Pay Scale: 5200-20200 +GP as govt.rules.

Age: 18 to 27 years.

Eduaction Qualification: 10th ,10+2, B.A. & Degree and Diploma

Fee – Examination fee rs- 50/-

How to apply: The eligible and interested candidates may apply online on or before last date through website

Selection Procedure: The selection procedure will be held on the basis of Written test & Interview

Last date:  05 June 2015