Thursday, May 7, 2015

Haryana Police Constable Recruitment 2015-2016.Apply online Haryana Police

Haryana Police Constable Recruitment  2015-2016.Apply online Haryana Police. HPRB selection process,PET and Interview Schedule for the Post of Male /Female Constables 2015-2016. Haryana candidates latest recruitment for our website see continue form which apply to join the police have eagerly awaited recruitment  .Haryana Police Recruitment Board for male /Female constables recruitment coming soon  for the post of Haryana Police Recruitment Board has issued notification. 

Haryana Police Recruitment Board (HPRB) Online application are invited in the prescribed Performa through official website from eligible candidate for the  Police Constable Male/Female application will be filled up to coming soon the candidate are advised to apply online application form or copy downloaded application form will be accepted by this office.  The terms & conditions regarding Age, Education Qualification, Physical Measurement, Physical Efficiency Tests and benefit of reservations prescribed in the requisitions received in the Board have been tabulated in the foregoing paragraphs alongwith standard application form for the posts of Constables in Haryana Police.
Eligibility Conditions
Age Limits – 18 to 25 years age relaxtion as per Haryana government rule

(ii) For Ex.-Servicemen candidates: Upper age limit is 40 years plus continuous military service added by three years. The break in service between the date of discharge and between 1st day of the month in which enrolment process is started shall not exceed four years. (Exact date on which the age is to be determined shall be on the first day of the month in which application are invited for recruitment of Constables.

 Educational Qualification - The minimum educational qualification for a candidate to be eligible for selection as constable shall be 10+2 for all categories.

 Physical Standard     
 For Male Constables  
(i) Height-Minimum 5’-7”
(ii) Chest-Un-expanded – Minimum 33” Expanded - Minimum 34 ½
(Minimum expansion of one and half inch)

For Female Constables 

Height- Minimum 5’-2”
For Sports Persons     
 For Male Constables     

(i) Height-Minimum 5’-7”

(ii) Chest-Un-expanded – Minimum 33” Expanded - Minimum 34 ½
(Minimum expansion of one and half inch)

For Female Constables 

Height- Minimum 5’-2”

PET for Male Constable -

(A) Race of 100 meters  Less than or equal to 13.5 seconds   05
Less than or equal to 14.5 seconds but more than 13.5 seconds  03
More than 14.5 seconds

(B) Race of 800 meters  Less than or equal to 2 minutes 30 seconds   05
2 minutes 50 seconds or less, but more than 2 minutes 30 seconds  03
More than 2 minutes 50 seconds  

(C) Long Jump   15 feet or more than 15 feet 05
13 feet or more than 13 feet but less than 15 feet 03
Less than 13 feet   0

(D) High Jump    4 feet or more than 4 feet 05
3 feet 6 inches or more but less than 4 feet  03
Less than 3 feet 6 inches           

PET Female Candidate –

(A) Race of 200 meters  Less than or equal to 35 seconds  05
Less than or equal to 40 seconds but more than 35 seconds 03
More than 40 seconds  

(B) Short Put (4 KG weight)         6 Meters or more but less 6 meters  05
5 Meters or more but less 6 meters  03
Less than 5 meters  
(C) Long Jump   11 feet and 3 inches or more than that   05
10 feet or more than 10 feet but less than 11 feet and 3 inches  03
Less than 10 feet 

(D) High Jump    3 feet and 6 inches or more  05
3 feet 3” or more than that but less than 3 feet and 6 inches  03
Less than 3 feet 3”