High Court Uttarakhand Nanital
issued Recruitment Notification 2015.Apply 09 post in High Court Uttarakhand Nanital
application invited by Personal
Assistant from eligible and interested candidates apply offline before 28 May
2015 . Vacancy, age, pay scale, education qualification, fee and other details
given below.
Name of Vacancy: Personal
No of Vacancies: 09 post
- General- 06 post
- OBC – 01 post
- SC – 02 post
Pay Scale: 9300-34800 +GP -4800/-
Age: 21 to 42 years as on 01 July
Education Qualification: Bachelor’s degree of a university established
by law in India with Typing.
How to apply: The eligible and
interested candidates may apply offline full filled prescribed
application form should be sent to candidates belonging to General / O.B.C.
Category must enclose a demand draft of any nationalized bank for Rs. 300/- and
candidates belonging to Scheduled Class & Scheduled Tribe must enclose a
demand draft of any nationalized bank for Rs. 150/- along with the application
drawn in favor of Registrar General, High Court of Uttarakhand, payable at
Nainital. The candidate shall enclose self-attested copies of testimonials of
academic qualification, experience etc. along with the application. The
selection of the candidates will be provisional till they submit their original
documents in proof of their qualification etc. The last date for submission of
duly completed application before the Registrar General, High court of Uttarakhand,
Nainital- 263001 on or before last date through website http://highcourtofuttarakhand.gov.in/
Selection Procedure: The selection procedure will
be held on the basis of Written Test, Skill Test and Interview.
Last date: 28 May 2015.