Monday, May 11, 2015

Haryana Police Recruitment 2015 -2016. Apply Online 13000 Constable Male and Female in Haryana Police

Haryana Police Recruitment  2015 -2016. Apply Online 13000 Constable Male and Female  in Haryana Police recruitment 2015 -2016.  Haryana unemployed Candidate  be pleased to know the previous government called for applications operating team soon after canceling the current government now plans to hire a total of  40000  Rgulr. In papers published in various news cheif  ministar  Haryana Haryana Police said 13000  to 40000  posts will be Constable male and  female  invited applications for which will be soon.candidate see latest job see our webite  from eligible and interested candidates apply online before last date . Vacancy details given below.

Name of Vacancy: Constable Male/Female

No of Vacancies:  13000 various post.

Pay Scale: 5200 – 20200 + Grade Pay .

Age: 18 to 27 years . 

Education Qualification: 10 + 2 passed

How to apply: The eligible and interested candidates may apply online on or before last date through website

Selection Procedure: The selection procedure will be held on the basis of Written Test and PET.
Physical Standard     
 For Male Constables  
(i) Height-Minimum 5’-7”
(ii) Chest-Un-expanded – Minimum 33” Expanded - Minimum 34 ½
(Minimum expansion of one and half inch)

For Female Constables 

Height- Minimum 5’-2”
For Sports Persons     
 For Male Constables     

(i) Height-Minimum 5’-7”

(ii) Chest-Un-expanded – Minimum 33” Expanded - Minimum 34 ½
(Minimum expansion of one and half inch)

For Female Constables 

Height- Minimum 5’-2”

PET for Male Constable -

(A) Race of 100 meters  Less than or equal to 13.5 seconds   05
Less than or equal to 14.5 seconds but more than 13.5 seconds  03
More than 14.5 seconds

(B) Race of 800 meters  Less than or equal to 2 minutes 30 seconds   05
2 minutes 50 seconds or less, but more than 2 minutes 30 seconds  03
More than 2 minutes 50 seconds  

(C) Long Jump   15 feet or more than 15 feet 05
13 feet or more than 13 feet but less than 15 feet 03
Less than 13 feet   0

(D) High Jump    4 feet or more than 4 feet 05
3 feet 6 inches or more but less than 4 feet  03
Less than 3 feet 6 inches           

PET Female Candidate –

(A) Race of 200 meters  Less than or equal to 35 seconds  05
Less than or equal to 40 seconds but more than 35 seconds 03
More than 40 seconds  

(B) Short Put (4 KG weight)         6 Meters or more but less 6 meters  05
5 Meters or more but less 6 meters  03
Less than 5 meters  
(C) Long Jump   11 feet and 3 inches or more than that   05
10 feet or more than 10 feet but less than 11 feet and 3 inches  03
Less than 10 feet 

(D) High Jump    3 feet and 6 inches or more  05
3 feet 3” or more than that but less than 3 feet and 6 inches  03

Less than 3 feet 3”