Thursday, April 30, 2015

UIDAI Recruitment 2015. Apply Unique Identification Authority of India

UIDAI Recruitment 2015. Apply Unique Identification Authority of India New Delhi Headquarters for the post Assistant Director General(ADG) Recruitment 2015. UIDAI application invited by  Assistant Director General(ADG)  from eligible and interested candidates apply offline  deputation basis for two years before 07 June 2015. Vacancy details given below.

Name of Vacancy: Assistant Director General(ADG)

No of Vacancies: 01 posts

Pay Scale: 37400-67000+GP-8700/-
Age: up 50 years

Education Qualification: Officers of Central Government / State Governments /UTs/ PSUs/ Autonomous bodies holding analogous posts to that of Director‟s post in the Central Government Ministries with Experience.

How to apply: The eligible and interested candidates may apply offline full filled prescribed application form should be sent to “The Assistant Director General (Estt.) Unique Identification Authority of India 2nd Floor, Tower-I, Jeevan Bharti Building Connaught Place, New Delhi-110001” on or before last date through website

Documents to be forwarded alongwith application:

The application in the prescribed format (Annexure I & Annexure II)along with
Cadre clearance/Vigilance clearance/Integrity Certificate from respective
administrative Department/Organisation and copies of five years ACRs/ APARS
duly attested by an officer of not below in rank equivalent to an Under Secretary
should be forwarded through parent Department.

Selection Procedure: The selection procedure will be held on the basis of Interview.

Last date: 07 June 2015.

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